Andrew and I were married last November (2008) and have been together for a total of 10 years now! After 10 years, we’re still having “first” experiences, which I love! One of these “firsts” happened this weekend. For the first time, we went camping. The even bigger thing is, it wasn’t just us. We ventured out for a camping trip with my family for my Dad’s 60th birthday. So on top of the stress that comes with any trip you take, we compounded that by living in the wilderness as a couple and with my family (his in laws). Eak! How did it go? It was wonderful! Andrew and I love to travel and it actually surprises me that we had yet to camp together. It also helps that my sister and brother-in-law are pretty much experts. ☺ This may have been our first trip but I don’t think it will be our last. Here are some of our images from the weekend.
This is me, messy hair and all (hence the black and white picture). :)
Crazy little bug that Andrew found on a cactus.

This is my Dad jamming out by the campfire.

Some flowers we found along the hike...

The family...Day 3 of camping.

This picture is from the inside of a kaleidoscope at a super cute shop in Jerome. The shop owner was lovely and let me take a few shots of the inside of these unique and beautiful kaleidoscopes. It turned out a little crazy but full of color and wonderful designs.